May 24, 2010

Big Gay Wedding... and Honeymoon!

We are married... and about to head off on our honeymoon!


Damien Oz said...

Mazel Tov to you both and I wish you all the happiness you can bring to each other.

Never forget - true love is easy - a good relationship is sometimes hard work.



Rusty Hoe said...

Congrats to the happy couple. Enjoy your honeymoon :)

Clare and Gary said...

oooh so happy for you.. lots of pics please!

ajm said...

Gorgeous picture! Have a beautiful honeymoon!

Frau said...

Gorgeous picture, love your smiles of happiness. Have a wonderful honeymoon!

Mrs B. said...

have a fabulous time! Congrats again!

inannasstar said...

you are both so stinkin' gorgeous! Have a blast together!

Blair said...

Such a cute couple! Congratulations!

RuthWells said...

Joyous tidings to you both! Enjoy the honeymoon.

Princess Pamela said...

Congratulations!!! Wishing you both a lovely long life together! Enjoy your honeymoon and then when you're please!!!

Annie (Lady M) x said...

Congratulations, and here is to a long and blissful marriage! That photo is fab, you both look really happy.

Can we see some pics of the wedding?!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats! I hope you're honeymooning somewhere warmer than here!

Aunt Juicebox said...

omg Congratulations!! And don't the two of you just look so happy!

Aunt Becky said...

*wipes tears*

CONGRATS, you two! I want to see more pictures!


enjoy and see you guys on the other side of the honeymoon!!!
pics please!!!!!!!!!!
no nudies...

WannabeVirginia W. said...

You two look incredibly happy and content. Post pics of the honeymoon well not all, but you know some.

Heather said...

Where is the honeymoon??? Somewhere tropical?

Ray's Cowboy said...

congrats on getting married. I hope the 2 of you many more years of blessed bliss. Once again Congrats.

Linda Medrano said...

Have the most marvelous honeymoon ever! The two of you are so beautiful and just radiate happiness! Joy forever!

Michael Rivers said...

Congrats!! Have a wonderful time!

Brennig said...


Bucko (a.k.a., Ken) said...

Great picture. Know you are going to have a fabulous time.

falltoclimb said...

You two are fracking ADORABLE!!! Congrats, and enjoy the honeymoon. :-)

Stephen said...

Handsome & happy men! Congrats & best wishes to you!!!

Have fun on the honeymoon & don't do anything that I wouldn't do.

J said...

Congratulations! :)

I am new here, but love what I've read so far, and I wish you all the best. May today be the day you love each other the least.

Nenette AM said...

Congratulations!!! May you grow more and more in love with each passing year. :) xo

Vancouver Isle Doug said...

Congrats!! Ain't it wonderful!! We just passed five years and, as far as I know, have not contributed one bit to the destruction of civilization. Now, BP on the other hand...

MANY happy years to both of you!!

MJ said...

Got here late.

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