July 19, 2010

Yep, I am making up a bloggy new language...

To screen out spam, when someone leaves a comment on this blog, or many others, the system does an anti-spam check by asking you what is Alfred's middle name, to do the secret handshake, and tap on your nose while jumping up and down on your left leg.

Okay, you don't have to do any of that. You do have to retype the nonsense word generated by the system.

As I visit other blogs, I have been entertained by many of these words --- they are like a whole new language. Inspired by Anne @ http://www.thedayafteryesterday.co.uk/, here are some of my recent favourites, along with some totally logical (ie crap I made up) definitions:

Arpleg: The wooden (peg) leg you need after being attacked by a beaver on arbor day. Hey, it could happen...

Nuchesse: Nutella for proper British people... cocoa and peanut butter for scones, to be served on very small plates during afternoon tea. Mmmm, getting hungry.

Spressou: Self espresso, or espresso you make yourself. Without one of my favourite gadgets, my Tassimo coffee machine. Step away from the Tassimo!

Nunman: A guy who has seen the movie Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit way too often and lives the dream. Men who dress up as nuns. Halloween in boys town. Any gay bar on drag night.

Gultri: Someone who is so obviously guilty of so many things you would have to be a plank of wood to not see it. Mel Gibson.

Rathom ton: A third-string character from The Empire Strikes Back. Often forgotten by historians and geeks because was pretty much a poor man's Boba Fett, Rathom Ton was an unsuccessful unknown bounty hunter a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

Elatio: Yes I really got this word in a pop-up. No, I have no comment. Next...

Limplec: Well, after too much elatio, your lec is tired, people...


Penny Lane said...

The last 2 are my favourite! p.s. my verification word is 'spochin'.

Annie (Lady M) x said...

Oh you do it with so much finesse! You word spinner, you. I can't think of a better comedy ending than Elatio combined with Limplec.. genius!

Lauren said...

Elatio... yeah... I got expoo yesterday and I just smirked and moved on.

Annie (Lady M) x said...

P.S. I just had to type in STRIAXI, in order to post on your blog. It is a drug taken by Fox News Readers and Sarah Palin fans to ensure that they don't turn gay.

Annie (Lady M) x said...

P.P.S I just had to type in another word - Sieso - in order to post the comment above. I sense I am in a vicious circle.

Midwestern Mama Holly said...

They do come up with some whacked out names. I especially love it when they garbled and hard on my old eyes to read.. not.
LOL - my verification word is peska!!

vanita said...

i've got to ask, have you been posting to your own blog? really, cause i think that's the only way you would know that your verification words "seem" like real words. seriously. your blog is the only one that has asked me to type in a word that looks like real words. i kept saying, next time i'd look the word up to see if it was real.

vanita said...

so my new word is sureusel which looks a lot like streusel. see why i say they "seem" like real words? see? i'm not nutts. sheesh.

Brahm (alfred lives here) said...

Ha ha ha, I like sureusel -- that would be like a surreal streusel, right? My grandmother used to make amazing apple streusel! And yes I seem to get real-sounding fake words on several sights. I most prefer the really dirty sounding words, don't you?

Brahm (alfred lives here) said...

And it doesnt ask me for a word test when I comment on here, I guess because am signed in. Pretty much every other site though.

I got the 'word' forforper tonight. Sounds like something I would order at a greek restaurant?

Michael Rivers said...

You never know what word is coming your way!

vanita said...

That's what I meant to ask! Were you signing out and then commenting. Sometimes my fingers don't connect with my brain. Your blog is the only one that gives me real sounding fake words. Other sites give me stuff like brrghuat.

Mike said...

Sort of like the game I play when my friend takes too long to take his turn in Scrabble. I re-arrange the seven letters on my rack and try to come up with some new word. My latest: D I L D U E S
the monthly charge you pay for your naughty toys

Mike said...

OK - was just required to type DERSAKE, which is what the Chinese man at the Chinese restaurant said when the waiter asked him if he'd like a drink

Kevin Bruce said...

LOL! "Elatio"- that's how I feel when my lovely wife says "yes- I'd LOVE to" ;)

My capcha word was "hospood"- When I'm old, in the hospital and hospood myself ;)

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