November 2, 2010

New Hampshire bigots, Crest toothpaste and other things that annoy the crap out of me...

Idiots and idiotic crap annoy me... maybe I should be more patient and serene... Nah, screw that noise...
Currently annoying the crap out of me are:

1- The woman who left a snarky message on my cell phone Saturday, for Rory (uh, not my name), saying "RORY! You were supposed to be here to fix my balcony today. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, RORY?". Uh, not Rory....

2- President Obama, whose Daily Show appearance showed how out of touch he is, and whose hypocritical defence of DADT is lame and cowardly. As Jon Stewart said, you are being timid. Florida's government showed you don't have to defend a stupid bigoted law. And yet you do.

3- The New Hampshire Union Ledger is refusing to publish marriage announcements for same-sex couples. Although gay marriage has been legally recognized in the state since January, the paper, a daily publication with the largest circulation in the state, defends its refusal to publish the wedding notice of Aurelio Time and Greg Gould, by saying they have freedom of choice, and while not anti-gay (yeah, right), they are against same-sex marriage. Bigots much?

4- The commercial for Crest 3D White toothpaste, where sisters talk about their pearly white teeth, and one says "As a professional photographer, blah, blah..." while the scroll across the bottom says "Actress. Not a professional photographer."... Okay, zero credibility, toothpaste whores, so what's the point?

5- I didn't win a damn thing at the Canadian Blog Awards. I mean, uh, yeah, it's an honour just to be nominated, that's it! Susan Lucci, can you hear me? Next year, people, next year!

6- The announcement last week that there will be a new Bourne movie without Jason Bourne. Really? That is like Pirates of the Caribbean without Johnny Depp. Christmas without Santa, French fries without dijon mustard. Okay maybe that last one is just me.

7- The new self-titled TV talk show hosted by Oprah's favourite homo, Nate Berkus. I am all for the gays everywhere, but really, isn't he the worst talk show host ever?

8- The fact that I now kind of sort of like Rachel Ray and Martha Stewart as talk show hosts annoys me. Solely because Nate is so stunningly bad. Like Suzanne Somers bad...


wcs said...

Number 6. French fries and dijon mustard. You are not the only one.

Stan in NH said...

I can't speak for french fries, but the "Union Liar" has been doing this sort of stuff for decades.

Rusty Hoe said...

You were robbed!! Okay just for you, I award you the inaugural "Best Canadian Gay Blogger, Who Gets Me Just A Little Excited Everytime I See A New Post Come Up In My Blogroll Award" of 2010. It's all very prestigious of course and I'm pretty sure you get the key to my obscure little Australian town or some such. I award you this despite the fact you enjoy the abomination that is dijon on your fries, and like Martha Stewart.

meleah rebeccah said...

OMG! That Crest commercial drives me NUTS! HA. I know exactly what you are talking about.

The Teacher's Pets said...

When I saw the word "New Hampshire" I rushed right over to see what you were so upset about and I fully see your point. I live in Manchester, NH, and I am only minutes away from the Union Leader's office and I have a few friends who work there and they felt the same way that you do about the non-publishing of the gay marriage. I feel the marriage announcement should have been published as well! Unfortunately my Union Leader friends don't have "pull" to get the announcement published which is very sad.

Lauren said...

I also hate that Crest commercial. I swear she says Fertographer. Can't even pronounce what she's supposed to be... And who the hell smiles like that? Toothpaste whores indeed. It's not a good gay week here either... We've had trouble forming a group and now our sponsors are attempting to dump us. Woo! Oh there will be war!

Gigi said...

Nah - definitely forget being more patient and serene. Then life would be boring. Besides, who can be patient and serene when surrounded by idiots and idiotic things?

Kevin said...

Nate is not so bad. He has only been on his show for just over a month. Give him some time to get settled, then I am sure he will be better than Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart, and Oprah (if they can do it, anyone can do it).

Opto-Mom said...

The worst TV host (although not on a talk show) is Nick Cannon from America's Got Talent. He's really funny during the auditions, but when it comes to the live shows, he's just awkward, and keeps saying, "I mean...." ARGH! STFU!

It took me a minute to figure out DADT. I guess I have Harry Potter on the brain, because when I 1st saw it, I was thinking, "Obama was defending Defense Against the Dark Arts?" But that would be DADA. Sometimes acronyms confuse me at 3:00 in the morning!

Brahm (alfred lives here) said...

Opto-Mom --- wow, I have not watched Nick Cannon at all. Now not gonna! And I love the Defense Against the Dark Arts for Obama, he should definitely do that!

Rusty Hoe - I will take that award, thank you!

Teacher's Pets - yep, that is sad about the paper. Bad leadership tars everybody as, well, bigots.

Kevin - Nate is just bad...

injaynesworld said...

You didn't win anything in the blog awards. Well, damn. Those people clearly voted out of lies, distortions and fear. No, wait. That would be the Tea Party. You so deserved to win, but screw 'em. You're still tops with me.

And I think gays in NH should start a boycott of that paper. Don't buy it. Don't advertise in it. Don't read it. And set up informational picket lines around the building. Damn, I'm in the mood for a good picket line!

Lori E said...

We were just talking about that stupid Crest commercial. It makes me crazy.

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