June 19, 2011

It's Not Easy Being Green...

There is a new Muppets movie coming this fall, with the franchise being reinvigorated by Jason Segel of How I Met Your Mother fame. And yes I am totally looking forward to this one.

The Muppet publicity (Muppetblicity?) has started with some really clever spoof trailers. Here's the newest, a riff on The Green Lantern, with Ryan Reynolds doing the voiceover...

And here is the previous one, a riff on The Hangover Part Two...

And the first one that come out, a romantic comedy spoof...

In addition to Segel, the film stars Amy Adams, and has cameos from Neil Patrick Harris, Katy Perry, Billy Crystal and more... okay, I forget who else.

I love these trailers, and if the movie is this clever it is gonna totally be worth seeing. Hope we aren't the only people there without kids....


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