November 24, 2011

New Fave App: Dog Art...

I love my iPhone. Luuuuuuv it. And not just as a phone --- especially for all the apps and toys and gizmos. And yes I love my iPad too. And my iPod... wait, am I sensing a theme here?

My fave new app is called "My Sketch" and it takes pics on your iPhone and lets you 'artify' them. And you can guess what pics I have on my phone. So here are "sketches" of Alfie... and my stepdog Quinn and my best friend's dog Harry...

Alfie looking pensive. This one is my new twitter profile pic...
Action shot... beware the Flying Havanese!

Adding in some colour....
Harry Potter, the sleeping beagle...
Alfie and Quinn in the car...

Quinn wondering when dinner time is....
The little furball posing...
And yes we also play Scrabble on the iPad a whole lot... what's your favourite app?


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Comments are like chew toys and favourite treats. Alfie says thanks!